Now have you ever heard the saying "you'll spend more of you shop with a friend"???.....well, i say sooooo FALSE!! The TRUTH????........2 heads are definately better then one!
What they heck am I talking about you ask???
I went shopping with a friend today! (Shannon F.)
We got some great deals! I can't tell you how exactly she did it or even what she got exactly!
(maybe she will post to the group!) But she got about $100 worth of stuff for only $3 and some change!! And she even paid full price for a coke ($1.50) WOW!!!!!)
I ended up with some great deals I would have overlooked and so did she. So even though it doesn't work out all the time to shop with a couponing friend, it certainly opened my eyes to just how much we save by putting our heads together!!!! here are just a few deals I got today!!!
you will have to excuse me. Since I have only gotten about 3 hours of sleep last night, i didn't do a very good job at keeping track of the exact deals but I do know they were all sent in email with coupon matchups. BUT I do remember how much I spent on the items....LOL And that is the part that matters! (I also say 'sorry" for any and all typos!!! LOL)
ok the herbal essence shampoos and conditioners were bought at CVS for 0.38 cents/ea (after ecb's and coupons). The Garnier items were purchased at walgreens and I got them for FREE!!!! (after walgreens instant coupon and stacking it with a manufacture coupon)

As for walmart I got a few deals. I bought some Good life cat food , which was $4.77, and I used a $3off coupon and final price was $1.77/bag. I also had 2 purina coupons for $3.50 off and they were the same price so I paid $1.27 /bag for them. I also noticed I had some head and shoulders coupons expiring this month so I got some from the travel size isle and received 6 of those for FREE!

The next few pictures are of Krogers deals. I got 4 boxes of Quaker instant oats for 0.50 cents a box. They were 2/$3 and I had $1off coupons.
Here is where the deals start to get fuzzy! LOL I know I got the kellogs cereal for 0.60 cents/box and the Betty crocker potatos for 0.59 cents a box. Not sure how but I do know that is what I paid after sale and coupons!
The heartland pasta was 0.29 cents/box and the butter all FREE. The Kotex I got at wally world for FREE also!
BAck at krogers,........the fruit snacks were 0.50 cents/box. 4 toothpaste=FREE. 4 tooth brushes=FREE. 4 Scotchbrite pads ....well......they actually paid us 0.25 cents to take them off their hands each!! Got to love that!
And here I bougth some purex HE detergent for $1.79/bottle after sale and coupons. I also got the Kens dressing for 0.50/bottle after sale and coupons! the Suavatel softner was also on sale. I think I paid $2.50????
My total Bill was $151.99 before sales and coupons
I paid total OOP $47.58!!!
Lookie what Shannon got!........
She paid a total of almost $3 Out of pocket!! and I dont even see the Coke she paid full price for in the picture! You go girl!!!

Till later~