Thought I would come back and update you all on what has been going on and why I have been absent for so long…..
Busy is not the word I would use to describe how the last few weeks have been…….In face I can’t come up with a word at the moment to describe it. First let me say I have decided that school (my BA in nursing) has to take a back seat right now. I just had to unload some stress and it will be there waiting on me in the fall if I so choose. Second the house is coming along very nice and the last 2 weeks have been filled with painting , painting and more painting…..oh and trim work and staining and more painting!! But we are getting there. Insert our construction mgr quitting the company but hey………what's a little more stress??? All is good at the moment and we are right on schedule! The furnace even got turned on the other day so no more kerosene bills!!!
But the real stressor came as a huge blow during this whole thing……to make a long story short my mother had been having problems with her health. Just thought it was carpal tunnel….even had the surgery and everything….this was her second one. no big deal right? Well she just got worse and worse and this had been a slow moving train since fall. Finally we got her in to see a very good neurologist. She has ALS! WHAT? ARE YOU SURE????? This disease is also called Lou Gehrig's Disease.
you can read about it here: LOU GEHRIG’S DISEASE
This is a fatal disease and we are not sure how long she has. My mom is a nurse. We have watched my dad’s mom die of this and I just found out my mom had an uncle that also died of this. So she knows what is coming her way and as you can imagine is scared.
I am not sure what I feel yet. I am not completely sad…..I don’t want to waste time while she is here grieving! There will be plenty of time for that when she is gone. But I am slowing finding myself getting emotionally spent. I am definitely not griping or complaining I just ask for you prayers as we try to make sense of it all and deal with is as best we can as a family. We feel like we are always apologizing to friends and such because we are losing free time to nurture those relationships at the moment but mom comes first!!! That's just how it is.
So please be patient with the blog…..It’s still wants to be a decorating ninja when it grows up and I will post some pictures right after this post for you to see the progress since the last update! Been moving fast!
So again thanks for your love and support and feel free to send me messages……just might take a little longer to get back to you but I promise I will!
Recent pics from house build:
(me painting my first color on the bedroom wall! I LOVE IT!)
ok I guess we all have mishaps uh? Step right in the paint tray!

This is me again loving the color….it dried so nice. It is called Pennywise from SW.
This is looking out from the dining room to the garage. This color is called “cinnebar” and is much darker looking in person. The color adjacent you ask??? FAVORITE TAN!
My master bathroom. Used the same pennywise as an accent!
master bath walls again..
counter top next to it.
Dave and I trying to imagine what it will be like when we are done and looking out our bedroom window at the view!
Jessie’s room. She actually has two walls the same red color.
corner of my bedroom
grey primier put on dining room before the red.
awwwww. trim work! LOVE LOVE LOVE this little tool!
had great helpers!
The start of the living room. Fav Tan in there too! Its is amazing how much this color changes depending on the room and the light.
more living room
finished living room, kitchen area.
dining room
dining room again
foyer/living room. Foyer color is called something RICE??? again a color from SW and color matched at home depot.
living room
kids rooms
our room from landing
master bedroom
Me, glad it is almost over!
front of house

garage area. already trying to decide where to put second garage before we pave the drive.
Goofing off with new digital camera. The last one broke……can’t imagine why we hardly ever used it…..LOL
just see how the color of the stained wood matches up with the paint color.
spindles and railing for stairs

Grass was getting to Dave so he just had to mow!
felt great to him I am sure.
all the trim!!!! Did I say we would never do the painting ourselves ever again???