Ok, well here I am, I made it! After many prods and pokes from friends I decided I would give the blog world a try. I have to admit it is alittle exciting and alot of work....LOL Not too bad just the part about html and learning how to post and ...well......"Blog"!
I have to admit I have been sitting here trying to figure out what I want this blog to be and came up with the name "Half Baked". That is what I feel like sometimes. Only Half done! But I feel Blessed in life and family 100% of the time. That is where the name came from!!! :)
We had a friend stop by last night to return something he borrowed. While he was here we were talking and something he said hit me like a ton of bricks. I kinda had one of those "Duh!" moments. I can't remember his exact words but he said something to the fact that we have to "live on purpose", we can't just stand here waiting on God to do something then get mad when it is not what we want. I know I knew this concept, because Dave and I do this with our finances. So why hasn't it ever hit me in my walk with Jesus? Well, I don't know either. I think I had this concept before but life just happened and I was more then willing to let it.
So this is the basis for my Bloggin! This is my journey, my walk to drawing closer to a God that will never leave me, will never foresake me and will chase me to the ends of earth and back! This is my journey to drawing my family closer together, not only my "Team Dalrymple" but my extended family as well. This is my journey to becoming the proverbs 31 woman I know God means for me to be. This is my journey to being the wife and mother and all the wonderful blessings that come along with walking in God's perfect will. My journey to nurturing my "friendship" and spreading the love and joy of "Girl Power!" LOL
I prayed a few days ago that God would show me he was still near, because quite frankly I have not felt that close to him lately. And guess what? He answered me in more ways then I expected. He answered me through this past weeks sermon.....through the guest speaker at the Valentines Dinner and through our guest last night! He is letting me know he is not leaving me because he is not done with me!!! ......like I said...................I am only "Half Baked"~
So please join me as I start a blog about the many layers of ~Amy.......from couponing, to digital scrapbooking, to Jesus, to family, to friends, to finances, to food, to fellowship, to work and serving others! I hope you will share your lives with me as well, you just never know who the Lord will place in your , but for this brief moment that someone is me!
till later.........
caught my eye + deals 2.28.25
1 week ago
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