Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Power of a paint party!~

not my coined phrase for sure but if the idea of painting sounds fun to you then you need to head on over to "Domestically Speaking's" "power of paint party 4". She never ceases to amaze me at all the cool stuff she does with cheaper finds!!!! Be sure to check out the links below the post. There are some amazing ladies in there with their "Before and Afters"!!! Great place to get ideas as I am sooooooo eager to decorate my new house!!!!! When it gets here!!!

As for me , I have no paint projects........*sniff* *sniff* I am stuck here in la la land till my house is built!!! But oh don't worry I am armed with brushes and ready to go!!! I will posting soon about the "Black" door so be sure to come back!~

Till Later~


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