OMG another 'snow' day for the kids? Am I dreaming? I hope you all can bare with me for a few lines........AAAARRRGGGHHHHHH!
Ok Ok so its no big deal the kids have yet another snow day...I know this! and you know this! But I feel we are going to have a nervous breakdown.......mmmmmm can 15 and 14 year olds have them? Well I think they are close.
If you are just joining me or visiting for the first time let me recap for you our situation:
1. We are a very happy and "Fully Blessed" family of 4
2. We have 3 wonderful pets (Buddy - american fox hound, Cali- calico cat, jasmine- tiger cat)
3. We sold our house in October and moved out the 15th....
TO A BOX!!!!!!
900 glorious square feet of BLISS! ......NOT!
Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful we have a roof over our heads but we are feeling a little cooped up! coming from almost 3200 sq feet of room.
4. oh did I mention we are building a house????
5. did I mention that the weather is delaying said building of a house???
6. did I mention we are living in an apartment?
7. can you tell I am "fully frustrated"?????
Where's my Xanax???????
ok ok calmed down now......let me rant for just a few moments.....
I think I know why I am a little on edge.......
2 feet of counter space
1 bathroom for all
laundry room??? YEAH RIGHT!!!! *rolling eyes*
pots and pans stored on top of kitchen cabinets
building papers scattered all over
office in too small bedroom
kids sharing a room (yes boy and girl)
did I mention 3 pets?
I feel like such a whiner! But having your belonging scattered in 3 different storage buildings (not in the same location), the weather, and then feeling cooped up is getting a little old!
like I said before we are "fully blessed" and God is so good to us! I think I just needed to vent and want to thank you for listening!
But I need your help!
I need ideas on fun things to do in or out of "THE BOX"........we are running out of ideas!!!! leave commments for us! Love to hear from you!
Till Later~
caught my eye + deals 2.28.25
1 week ago
Amy, You are hilarious! I love reading your blog!
I can't even imagine living in a 2 bedroom apartment with a family of 4 and pets! Just keep focusing on the end result of this! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger! Lol!
just found you through sits and signed on to follow. we have tons of snow and a lot more coming. stop by and see my pics when you have time and sign up for my giveaway if you are interested! get your kids to put on a [lay. it can take them hours to practice and put together costumes!!!
Tammy, Thanks for stopping by. I love to blog and love the connect with other women! Best friends a girl can have are blogger! (both writers and followers!) I was thinking more of ...what does not kill us will certainly kill those around us....LOL just kidding!
Thanks again
Jaz, Thanks hun for the idea on a play I will have to mention it or somehow make it sooooo cool for them to get out of the rut of depression and try the idea!!! lol I have to work tomorrow so maybe they will want to do something like that ......let them raid my closet while I am not here....OH MY! I have been wanting new clothes!!! LOL I will certainly stop by your sight soon!
Thanks again girl!
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