This picture was taken from our hotel room in Myrtle Beach 2008. We skipped going on vacation in 2009 but have already made reservations for this July! July 11th to be exact!!! That is 150 and counting!!!! We have booked a room at the Coral Beach Resort! We are excited. And also hoping nothing needs done with the house because it will just have to wait.....lol
One of my concerns though is getting motivated enough to transform this 38 year old body back into "Beach worthy" shape!!! Last year we went to a huge indoor water park and I wore a skirt type bathing suit. But being the Sun Goddess I am , I don't want Tan lines!!!! LOL So this means I am forced to think about making my food decisions a little more educated and taking the time to actually make out a plan and stick to it. I already work out at the gym at least 3 times a week (or try to). But....while in Pittsburgh this past month I bought a book at Borders on dieting.......well sorta!
The book is called "Skinny B**CH". YUP you read right!!! I can't even bring myself to type it out! Feeling dirty now.........LOL This book was hilarious and I will admit about half way through I was thinking "you have got to be kidding.....must be fanatics and trying to get their agenda through" .
But I am so glad I read the whole book and I really enjoyed the "in your face" type of writing. There was a ton of great information in it that you knew you were thinking , they just proved it!
So I am recommending this AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! LOL And if you do read it please come back and let me know what you think!!!!!!!
You can review the book here: SKINNY B**TH
So off to get my beach body back! Will keep you updated on how it goes!!!!!
Leave me some luv and tips on how your going to get your BEACH BODY back this spring!!!
Till Later~
I too am wishing it was summer. I am so over all this snow! I need to get into beach body shape myself and that books sounds like something I need to help get me up and running again. Ugh!
Well be forwarned....there is some "sailor talk" in the book. But I found myself giggling through the whole thing.......well most of it. I think (ashamed to say) that is why I was so intrigued by it!!!! I may have blushed a few time too! Thanks for stopping by and let me know what tips you have and what works for you. Right now I am scrambling to any good ideas.....ok ok the bad ones too!
Till later
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